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      Seeing a Beautiful China in Yancheng Wins the Outstanding Achievement Award inCTTI 2024Think Tank Research
      updated: 2024-12-11 ??views: ?? ??font-size:【big middle small

      The Outstanding Achievement of CTTI 2024Think Tank Research was presented in Lanzhou on November 30. The think tank book Seeing a Beautiful China in Yancheng,co-authored by Chongqing Think Tank and the Grand Canal Think Tank, with Wang Jianning and Li Xiaqi serving as chief planners, and published by Jiangsu People's Publishing House, won the Outstanding Achievement Award.

      Seeing a Beautiful China in Yanchengis divided into six chapters. The first 3 chapters present the important speech by Secretary General Xi Jinping on comprehensively the modern co-existence of huaman and nature by a beautiful China. The last three chapters, in turn, present mirror images of the current situation, orientation, experience, and vision of promoting harmonious coexistence between humans and nature in nine exemplary river and lake landscapes. Finally, the example of Yancheng City and its five counties and three districts illustrates the realistic picture of harmonious coexistence between humansand nature, featuring six sub-columns of situation, layout,innovation,example, and vision.

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